Beauty Tips

Skincare during autumn

By: Ronit Segev, MA, Bsc

What do we need to focus on? How can we look after our skin in any weather? Each season has its own characteristics and procedures that […]

What should we do with wrinkles?

By: Ronit Segev, MA, Bsc

There are different types of wrinkles: Expression lines, wrinkles that stem from sagging skin, fine lines, and deep wrinkles. Why is it important to name each […]

Exercise – Does it affect your facial skin?

By: Ronit Segev, MA, Bsc

What’s the relationship between exercise and beauty? We all know that it’s healthy to exercise, when it’s done the right way and at a frequency that’s […]

What treatment to choose?

By: Ronit Segev, MA, Bsc

Should I do Botox or not? Should I have an eyelift or a neck lift? Should I use a professional skin renewal product? Should I do […]

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